• Our Mission

    More than fifty thousand books are published annually in the U.S. and, strikingly, only eighty of these titles reflect the words of African American authors. Macavelli Press was created to address this void in publishing. -

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Who Are We?

woman-690216_640Macavelli Press is a global publishing company that gives a voice to new and existing writers of all colors, nationalities, and sexual orientations. These writers tell stories of fiction and non-fiction that permeate their world. We aim to expose our readers to the diverse and unique ideas, philosophies and opinions of our authors, as expressed in the sentiments of their writings.

Furthermore, in light of the fact that publishing houses actually read fewer than two percent of the manuscripts they receive, we at Macavelli work from the premise that a lot of well- written novels are unjustifiably turned down. Therefore, we are partial to signing writers who have been rejected by mainstream publishers.

If you have found your manuscript rejected by publishing houses like a myriad of other writers, Macavelli may present another opportunity for you to realize your dream. If you are a novice writer, an independent publisher, self-published author,small press, or mid-sized publisher, you’ve come to the right place! If your passion is to write fiction, poetry, non-fiction, science fiction or simple guides for choosing different types of gifts or the best places to have a rest, Macavelli happens to be your first stop. The bottom line is that we understand the frustrating and intimidating experiences writers frequently encounter when trying to publish their first manuscript. They’re attempting to enter into what can seem like a “literary insiders-only club,” and acceptance into this “association” can be challenging.

At Macavelli, we appreciate the discipline it takes a writer to complete their manuscript. With this said, we form alliances with writers from around the globe, from all walks of life, by partnering with them in their publishing pursuit and assisting them in manifesting their goals and objectives of putting forth their work. At the same time, we are fulfilling our editorial mission—giving a voice to writers from around the globe who are writing about things that are dear to their hearts. Consequently, we are lifting the veil off little known facets of life and expose them to the world.

What We Do?

  • book-1291164_640Publish your novel
  • Get copies to newspapers & magazines for review
  • Send out press releases introducing your novel to the public
  • Submit your novel for literary prizes
  • Provide you with web exposure on our web site and partnering websites like www.corporateretirementgifts.com and refinery29.com
  • Present your novel to television and studios for possible movie deals
  • Set up venues for you to promote your book

Submission Guidelines

Please note that we are seeking works of both fiction and non-fiction from writers from around the world. We are not accepting any works of poetry at this time.

At Macavelli Press, we accept solicited and unsolicited manuscripts. However, it should be understood that we are not assuming any obligation to accept, review, examine or otherwise evaluate and consider your material. It should be further understood that no fiduciary relationship exists between you, the writer, and your manuscript and Macavelli. Include a self-addresses stamped envelope and sufficient postage if you want your material returned (otherwise we will recycle it in the event we turn it down).

Note that Macavelli is under no obligation to return your material to you. Furthermore you release the company from any and all liability for loss of or damage to any and all copies of the material submitted to the company hereunder. You hereby agree that this release shall be binding on you and your heirs, executors, representatives and assigns.

If you would like for us to consider your material to be published by our press, click below to proceed to the Questionnaire section and Manuscript Submission Form. By clicking below, you agree that you accept these above terms.

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